You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 5.3.1. File - Employee > File - Employee - Employee

File - Employee - Employee

To add or edit employee details:

  1. Add a new employee or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Employee" or "Updating an Employee".

Micronet displays the Employee Update screen – Employee tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Employee Number

Enter a unique employee number. This is usually the employee’s initials, e.g. SD for Stuart Duncan.



Enter the employee’s full name.


Postal Address 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Enter up to five lines of address details for the employee. You may adopt a convention where:

  • the first line is the street number and street name
  • the second line is the suburb
  • the third line is the city, state and postcode
  • the fourth line is the employee’s postal address if different to the street address
  • the fifth line is the suburb, city, state and postcode for the postal address.



Enter the employee’s home phone number or personal mobile number.



Enter the employee’s fax number, if applicable.


Efax Address

2.8 Feature

If this employee can receive faxes via email (e.g. your company uses UTBox accounts), enter the employee's efax address. You must add "" after the fax number, e.g.

For information on setting up a UTBox account, contact your Micronet account manager.



Enter the employee’s email address.


Job Title

Enter the employee’s job title. This field is for reference only.


Default Operation

Enter the main task the employee performs for jobs. You can also press Tab or Enter to select an operation.

Micronet displays this operation during the allocation of hours and costs to jobs. Users can change the default operation during data entry where required.

Operations are setup in the Operations master file (for more information, refer to "File - Operation").


Show on Scheduler

If you are using the Micronet Plant Maintenance system within MJC, select whether the employee should be displayed in your Job Scheduler. Options are:

  • Yes – the employee should appear in the Job Scheduler, e.g. service people
  • No – the employee should not appear in the Job Scheduler, e.g. administration staff, supervisors, estimators, etc.


Employee Status

Select the employee’s status. Options are:

  • Active – the employee is a current employee
  • Inactive – the employee is no longer current or is no longer working on jobs.
  1. Select FILE | SAVE.